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High Yielding Cannabis Seeds


There can be no doubt that obtaining the highest possible yield is important to every cannabis grower. Whether you are tending a couple plants in your backyard or growing on a commercial scale it is natural to want the biggest possible return on your investment. So how do get the most out of your green girls? There are a few guidelines you can follow to increase the yield of any strain. However, genetics play a big part in the potential of each plant. It is important to choose a strain with the capacity to really produce if maximizing the harvest is your goal. To help you find the right seeds for you we have listed our favorite heavy yielding strains below.

Heavy Yield of Big Buds

2016 Top 10 Highest Yielding Seeds


Barney’s Farm – Violator Kush Feminized Seeds

Indica THC: 22% 450-500 g/m2

Heavyweight – Fast and Vast Auto Feminized

80% Indica, 20% Sativa THC: 17-19% 600-800 g/m2

Barney’s Farm – Vanilla Kush Feminized Seeds

Indica THC: 22% 600 g/m2

Bomb Seeds – THC Bomb Feminized Seeds

Indica, Sativa 20%+ 550-650 g/m2

Dr. Krippling – Incredible Bulk Feminized Seeds

Indica 80% Sativa 20% THC: 20-24% Indoor: 600-1000 g/m2; Outdoor: 800-1500 g/plant

GreenHouse – Great White Shark Feminized Seeds

Indica 80% Sativa 20% THC: 14% 800-1000 g/plant

Devil’s Harvest – Strawberry Sour Diesel Feminized Seeds

Hybrid, Sativa Dominant THC: High 600+ g/m2

Dutch Passion – Frisian Dew Feminized Seeds

Indica 50%/Sativa 50% THC: Medium 700 g/m2

Humboldt Seed Organization – Blue Dream Seeds

Sativa Dominant THC: 18% 600 g/m2

Auto Seeds – Auto Candy Kush Feminized Seeds

Indica, Sativa, Rueralis THC: High 400 g/m2




Female – Skunk Special Feminized Seeds

Indica/Sativa THC: 15% 500 g/m2

CBD Crew – Critical Mass Feminized Seeds

Indica 80%/Sativa 20% THC: 5% 500 g/m2

GreenHouse – Trainwreck Feminized Seeds

Sativa dominant THC: 21.7% 500-700 g/m2


Heavy Yield of Big Buds

Whether you pick one of our favorites or stick with your own best-loved seeds, here are few tips to get the most out of each grow.

1. Give your plants A LOT of light

A lot of light means several things. First off, give your plants the highest intensity of light possible. To get the most benefit for your plants, using a combination of LED and HPS lights may be the best option. LEDs provide focused light in the right spectrum for cannabis plants. Adding or changing to HPS light during flowering can boost yields, as HPS lights emit light in the orange and red spectrum which mimics natural fall light conditions.

Pay attention to how close your plants are to the light source. Beware of lights that produce heat as excessive temperatures can damage your plants. Picking strains that grow in uniform shapes, or training and pruning to create horizontal, uniform growth makes positioning lights much easier.

There is a point where plants cannot utilize all the light they are given. It takes a LOT of light to get here- marijuana is amazingly adept at turning light into growth. You will not reach this point using CFLs, but it is possible with LEDs. If you have too much light, adding CO2 to the grow room can enable plants to put that extra light to use, boosting growth even further. Adding CO2 is not practical for everyone- you have to seal and carefully manage your growing space, and high CO2 levels can be harmful to humans.

To get the biggest yields from your plants, use the highest intensity lights you can afford. For most strains keeping vegetating plants on 24 hours of light will result in the fastest and strongest growth. Be sure to follow breeder’s recommendations- some strains like Trainwreck from Green House Seeds become stressed if given too many hours of light.

2. And lots of nutrients

But not too much. Nutrients are allow the plant to create food from light via photosynthesis. Without enough nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus your plants cannot efficiently turn all that light energy you are feeding them into sturdy branches, green leaves and weighty buds. Alternately, if you overdose your ladies with nutrients they can suffer chemical burns and do poorly or even die.

Keep your eye out for signs of nutrient imbalance: yellowing leaves, stunted or slow growth, blotchy spots on leaves, stems turning red or purple, weak or brittle stems, drooping leaves and branches, burnt or brown leaves or erratic leaf size.

Plant with Nitrogen Deficiency

Balance is the name of the game with nutrients and yield. To get the most bud out of your plants you have to carefully monitor their nutrient intake, catch any imbalances early and make the necessary corrections to your feeding program. Err on the side of under feeding as plants recover more easily from nutrient depletion than from being burned by an overdose.

Your plants have different nutrient requirements during different stages of growth. Check out our Nutrient Guide for precise ratios. If you are growing in soil you can add weight to your buds by dissolving 1-2 TBS of blackstrap molasses in the water during the second half of the flowering stage. This gives a boost of simple sugars to the plant’s roots which is essentially what expensive commercial supplements do.

3. Water appropriately

The most common error an inexperienced grower makes is overwatering. Marijuana plants don’t like to be too soggy, they need air around their roots and will grow to their fullest potential with a couple dry periods. If you are growing in soil make sure it drains well, and if you are using hydro keep plenty of aeration around the roots.

For outdoor growers, check the soil several inches below the surface. Don’t water until it is dry about three inches down. Wilting leaves and branches are a sign of under watering, but make sure to check during the evening or morning, as even a well-watered plant may droop during the heat of the day.

For more details on proper watering, check out our watering guide.

4. Prune and train for multiple heads

If you let most cannabis plants do their own thing, you will get a Christmas tree shape. While this is may look pretty, a cone shape does not allow light to fall evenly across the entire plant. Buds may not develop at bud sites that are shaded by upper leaves, as the plant directs its energy into developing flowers with the greatest chance of success. There are various techniques to encourage your plants to grow wide with multiple colas at uniform height, which can drastically improve yield.

You can use topping and fimming techniques to essentially split one cola into two, or even four. With the extra heads you increase the potential for high yield, as long as you give the plant enough light, nutrients and water to develop all the colas fully.

Sea of Green (SOG) and Screen of Green (SCROG) are two Dutch techniques for increasing yield. Using SOG methods you keep each individual plant small, encouraging early flowering. While the yield from each plant is lower, you can often get a greater yield per m2. SCROG uses a screen to force plants into lateral rather than vertical growth. This creates a beautiful flat field of leaves and buds that are exposed evenly to light.

Screen of Green Growing

Low Stress Training is much like teaching an apple tree to grow in a certain shape. In conjunction with topping, you tie the stems in a way that encourages them to grow horizontally, creating a wider, more open plant with more bud sites. High Stress Training is more intense, damaging the plant slightly to encourage it to “defend” itself with increased growth. The newer method of Monster Cropping allows you to clone flowering plants and put the clones back on a vegging cycle, creating massive growth with lots of heads.

Most manipulation of your plants should be done during the vegetative stages. Once the plant is flowering it is very difficult to change its growth patterns or create new heads.

5. Be smart about vegetating and flowering lengths

We are all in a hurry to get to the fun part- seeing the flowers form and buds start to develop. But it is critical to allow your plants ample time in the vegetative stage. You can push most plants to flower early by manipulating light cycles, and you can get quality buds this way, but yield will suffer. The exception is if you are using a SOG set-up. With SOG you are going for maximum yield in a small space, and not trying to get the most marijuana possible out of an individual plant.

A good rule of thumb is to allow your plants to veg as long as you can. Knowing that most Indicas will double in size once they start flowering, and most Sativas will triple, you can figure out how much space you have for the mature plants. Keep in mind how far from the plants your lights will be and let them get as big as you accommodate to maximize each plant’s yield.

6. Manage your Grow Room

For optimal growth and thus optimal yield, it is essential to keep conditions in your grow room just right. Marijuana is happiest growing in temperatures of 70-83°F. Good ventilation is important to keep a constant supply of fresh CO2 in the room and to cool plants under warm lights. Humidity should be kept at 45-55% until the last half of the flowering period when it can be lowered to avoid mold. Keep the pH of soil or of your hydro medium in the 6-6.5 range and make sure there is good drainage or good aeration to keep air getting to the roots.

Keeping growing conditions perfect will allow your plants to grow to their fullest potential and is one of the easiest ways to ensure you get consistently high yields. For more details about grow room conditions check out our grow room guide.

7. Don’t harvest too early

It is so tempting to harvest as soon as your grow room is full of big, heavy shimmering buds. But you can increase both yield and potency by waiting till just the right time to harvest. Waiting to allow buds to fully develop and mature can be tough, but it pays off in the end.

There is no cut and dry rule for when to harvest. Your buds will have little white “hairs” on them when they form. Over time the color of these hairs will change, darkening to yellow or red. The bud is mature right at the time the hairs change color and the THC content of your buds is at its highest at this time. Unfortunately not all of your buds will change at the same time. Wait until about 40% of the hairs have changed color to start harvesting. Your goal is to get as many buds as you can harvested with the hairs just changing without waiting so long that they become really dark. You can see in this picture the trichome “hairs” are starting to turn, but are still quite light. This bud needs a little more time to fully mature.

Buds almost ready to harvest

8. Genetics Count

No matter how advanced you are, you will never get 800 g/m2 from a Lowryder plant. She is great for stealthy growing, but all the pruning, topping, feeding and extra light in the world is not going to make her yield like Heavyweight’s Fast and Vast. Genetics are important. Each strain has a certain potential yield which can be maximized with proper care, but you cannot turn a pony into a Clydesdale. Starting out with a naturally high yielding strain is the surest way to achieve a record breaking harvest.

To Sum up High Yielding Seeds…

You can follow simple steps to increase the yield of every crop. Maintaining grow room conditions, feeding and watering wisely, increasing light intensity, pruning and trimming and timing flowering and harvesting with care will help each plant reach its greatest potential. Starting out with a high yielding strain will bring the best results.

There are high yielding strains to fit most any growing condition. Outdoor growers will love the hardy and mold resistant Frisian Dew. Those looking for a smaller plant can enjoy the hard hitting, high yielding classic, Great White Shark, while Indica lovers will adore Violator Kush from Barney’s Farm. For those with limited grow room space, Auto Candy Kush is a high yielding auto-flowering strain which allows you to keep both vegging and flowering plants under the same lights. There is a high yielding strain that is perfect for you. Check out our favorites below.

2016 Top 10 Highest Yielding Seeds

#1 – Barney’s Farm – Violator Kush Feminized Seeds

Best For: Lots of THC, Small Plant, 500 g/m2

Barney’s Violator Kush Seeds

This delicious Kush from Barney’s Farm stays true to its Himalayan roots, growing as a short, squat Indica that rarely tops 80 cm. Don’t let her small stature fool you; Violator Kush produces massive buds on thick stems. Her leaves are huge and bushy, but her flower to leaf ratio is high. Expect a heavy yield of 500 g/m2 after only 7-8 weeks of flowering, and striking amounts of trichomes on the giant central kolas.

The smoke is pure Kush: a musty, hashy flavor and a heavy high that will send you straight to the sofa. This is a prolific, easy growing plant that is a must try for smokers who enjoy a good couch lock.

  • Type Indica
  • Height 70-80 cm
  • Flowering time 55-62 Days
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 450-500 g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level 22%
  • CBD level 5%

For Similar Strains check out:

#2 – Heavyweight – Fast & Vast Autoflowering Feminized

Best For: Fast Flowering, Mellow High, 800 g/m2

Heavy Weight Fast and Vast Auto Seeds

Heavyweight has taken growing to a new level of ease, speed and yield with Fast and Vast. This is an auto-flowering variety that produces up to 800 g/m2, an achievement many thought impossible.

Producing huge buds in as few as 7 weeks, Fast and Vast sounds too good to be true. But it gets better- Heavyweight has created speed and yield without sacrificing quality. The smoke is sweet and spicy; the high comes on quick and hard and leaves you completely mellow and relaxed.

If you are looking for an easy to grow, high yielding plant with a great high, this is the strain to grow. Remember, with auto-flowering seeds you only need one grow room, as you don’t have to change your light cycle to stimulate flowering. With Fast and Vast Auto, auto-flowering seeds have finally broken out into true competition with their light dependent sisters.

  • Type 80% Indica, 20% Sativa
  • Height One meter
  • Flowering time 7-8 weeks
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 600-800 g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering Yes
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level 17-19%
  • CBD level 8%

For Similar Strains check out:

#3 – Barney’s Farm – Vanilla Kush Feminized Seeds

Best For: EASY to Grow, Strong Indica High, 600 g/m2

Barney’s Farm - Vanilla Kush Feminized Seeds

This is a classic Indica from Barney’s Farm that will delight in every way. As the name suggests, the aroma is full of vanilla, but with a hint of citrus to lighten it. Under the tasty overtones is a deep, earthy smell and taste to remind you that you are smoking a characteristic Kush. With 22% THC, the high is powerful, warm and cozy, a real full-body Indica experience.

Vanilla Kush stays small and compact, with a large central kola sporting yellow and red trichomes. A SCROG set-up works well for Vanilla Kush, and you can fit lots of plants into a small grow room. The buds are huge and heavy, especially for such a small plant. Vanilla Kush will awe you with huge yields.

Expect the grow room to smell strongly, this is a true Indica. She is potent and she smells like it! Not a plant for stealth growing.

  • Type Indica
  • Height 70-80 cm
  • Flowering time 60-65 Days
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 600 g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level 22%
  • CBD level 2%

For Similar Strains check out:

#4 – Bomb Seeds – THC Bomb Feminized Seeds

Best For: Easy to grow, Incredibly potent, 650 g/m2

Bomb Seeds THC Bomb Feminized Seeds

THC Bomb is the most popular of Bomb Seeds strains. It is hard to beat with its big yields, powerful high and vigorous growth. The plant is compact and short, delivering big buds drenched in THC crystals in only 7-9 weeks.

As you might expect from a plant with THC levels topping 20%, the high is not to be taken lightly. Prepare to sit down when you smoke this bud, and to stay sitting; it is not for sneaking out on your coffee break. The effects reach your mind as well as your body, but you won’t be able to get up to do anything!

While its small size makes it appealing for the commercial grower, home growers will also find it an easy and rewarding strain. If you have a spot to tuck it into outdoors you can expect yields as high as 1 kilo per plant.

  • Type Indica, Sativa
  • Height 65-90 cm
  • Flowering time 7-9 weeks
  • Awards won None
  • Yield Very High (550-650 g/m2)
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering Yes
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level 20%+

For Similar Strains check out:

#5 – Dr. Krippling – Incredible Bulk Feminized Seeds

Best For: Idiot Proof Grow, 1000-1500 g/m2

Dr. Krippling Incredible Bulk Feminized Seeds

Did you know that you could have bread loaf size buds on the first marijuana plant you ever grow? That’s right. Incredible Bulk from Dr. Krippling Seeds is perfect for the beginner. It will take any accident you throw at it- mess up the pH, over or under feed it, over water it or even forget to water it completely, she will still throw giant colas shimmering with THC.

If you are growing indoors, be sure to switch her lights so she flowers before she hits 2 meters in height, or she can become hard to manage. Outdoors she is easy- leave her be, and depending on conditions you can get up to a kilo and a half off a single plant! A great choice for the beginner or anyone with enough space who wants lots of quality bud.

  • Type Indica 80% Sativa 20%
  • Height Tall, over 2 meters
  • Flowering time 7-8 Weeks
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 600-1000 g/m2 indoors 800-1500 g/plant outdoors
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level 20-24%

For Similar Strains check out:

#6 – GreenHouse – Great White Shark Feminized Seeds

Best For: Heavy Yield, Pain Relief, Body Stone, 1000 g/m2

Green House Great White Shark Feminized Seeds

Great White Shark is an old favorite from a truly great breeder, Green House Seeds. This is a short, bushy plant that is exceptionally consistent in phenotype. It grows quickly and strongly during its vegetative stage and produces massive buds after nine weeks of flowering.

Your grow room will have a delicious fruity smell, but the smoke is much skunkier than the pineapple scent lets on. Expect a powerful body stone that hits quickly and lasts for hours. The heavy Indica effects of Great White Shark make it popular with medicinal users for pain relief and sedative effects.

This is a plant that produces well in both SOG and SCROG set-ups. It is easy to take clones from this lush plant, and they root quickly. A reliable, heavy producer from a dependable breeder, Great White Shark won awards back in ’97 and ’05, and is sure to stay on the Top 10 lists for a long time.

  • Type Indica 80% Sativa 20%
  • Height Short to Medium
  • Flowering time 9 Weeks
  • Awards won 1st Prize 1997 Bio High Times Cannabis Cup, 1st Prize Highlife 2005
  • Yield 800-1000 g/plant
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Medium
  • THC level 14%

For Similar Strains check out:

#7 – Devil’s Harvest – Strawberry Sour Diesel Feminized Seeds

Best For: Strawberry Taste, Creative High, 600 g/m2

Devil’s Harvest Strawberry Sour Diesel Seeds

Devil’s Harvest has brought together two classic favorites to make a powerhouse plant in Strawberry Sour Diesel. From the Strawberry Cough side of things, this strain gets its delicious strawberry flavor. Your grow room has never smelled so sweet! Sour Diesel brings its well-known hard impact to the bud: the first hit will send you soaring.

Both parents are known and loved for their bright, energetic and even psychedelic highs. The effects are only enlivened in their offspring. Expect a euphoric, weightless high with just enough Indica to mellow you. A great weed for day time smoking, Strawberry Sour Diesel will delight nose, tastebuds and brain alike.

Expect tall plants, fast growth and big yields from Strawberry Sour Diesel. The buds are large, rock hard and the outrageous yield will surprise you. Make sure you have the room to grow her, and watch out for neighbors as her enchanting odor will make her very hard to hide.

  • Type Hybrid, Sativa Dominant
  • Height Tall
  • Flowering time 50-55 Days
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 600+ g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level High

For Similar Strains check out:

#8 – Dutch Passion – Frisian Dew Feminized Seeds

Best For: Beautiful, Outdoor Grow, Social High, 700 g/m2

Dutch Passion Frisian Dew Seeds

Frisian Dew from Dutch Passion is commonly described as the most beautiful of all outdoor strains. Her flowers are indeed a lovely shade of purple, but her stellar yields and social, outgoing high are what make us love her best.

Frisian Dew is in her element when grown outdoors. She is mold resistant, fast flowering and holds up well in Northern or wet climates. She is happy inside as well, staying a little shorter but still producing impressively large purple buds.

She tastes pretty generic, with a bit of a hashy smell, but don’t let that put you off. The 50/50 combination of Sativa and Indica breeding give a high that is balanced and great for going out on the town or hanging out with friends. Give Frisian Dew a try- she will not only make you feel good but will be a beautiful addition to your garden or grow room.

  • Type Indica 50%/Sativa 50%
  • Height Medium to tall
  • Flowering time 7-8 Weeks
  • Awards won 1st prize High Life Holland 2008
  • Yield 700 g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level Medium

For Similar Strains check out:

#9 – Humboldt Seed Organization – Blue Dream Seeds

Best For: Balanced High, Big Plants, 600 g/m2

Humboldt Blue Dream Seeds

Blue Dream, a cross between Blueberry and Super Silver Haze, is busy making waves in California, where it is currently one of the top ten in demand strains. Its popularity is hardly surprising. This is a big, wide plant with striking blue coloring when grown outdoors. The yields are massive and the high is the best of both parents. It starts with a euphoric, uplifting cerebral high that can last for hours before mellowing into a cozy physical stone. Expect your pain to go away, your muscles to melt and your whole being to feel light, relaxed and peaceful.

These large plants will grow fast and broad, so make sure to give them lots of space. Blue Dream is tolerant of novice errors, and is suitable for the beginning grower, though an experienced grower using LST or Super Cropping will maximize the production of beautiful buds.

  • Type Sativa Dominant
  • Height Tall and Wide
  • Flowering time 65-70 Days
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 600 g/m2
  • Feminized No
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level 18%

For Similar Strains check out:

#10 – Auto Seeds – Auto Candy Kush Feminized Seeds

Best For: Deliciously Sweet, High Yielding Auto, 400 g/m2

Auto Seeds Auto Candy Kush Seeds

One of the tastiest strains on the market, Auto Candy Kush will make you smile in the grow room as well as on the couch. This compact plant offers surprisingly high yields considering her small size and the fact that she is auto-flowering. She is easy to grow, stays under 60 cm and dependably produces 400 g/m2. Expect multiple bud sites with one huge central cola. She is an auto, so you don’t have to worry about changing your lights.

When smoked Auto Candy Kush has the most mouthwatering burnt caramel flavor that will be keep you coming back for more. Beware though- she is full of THC and CBD and will have you immobilized promptly. The narcotic effects make her appealing to medicinal users as well.

  • Type Indica, Sativa, Rueralis
  • Height Very Small
  • Flowering time 9-10 weeks
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 400 g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering Yes
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level High
  • CBD level High

For Similar Strains check out:


There are so many great high yielding seeds; we couldn’t stop ourselves at just 10.

Bonus #1 – Female Seeds – Skunk Special Feminized Seeds

Best For: Great Indoor Grow, Fast, 500 g/m2

Female Seeds Skunk Special Feminized Seeds

Skunk Special is a little plant, with small leaves that allow light to reach all parts of the plant. A must try for indoor growers! Skunk Special requires very little training to develop uniform, fat and heavy colas. With a flowering period of only 7-8 weeks, she is a fast as well as abundant producer.

The smoke hits hard like classic old school skunk. You may be surprised at the uplifting edge to the heavy body buzz that Special Skunk provides. Beware of neighbors both growing and smoking- the smell of this strain is pure skunk and it is strong.

  • Type Indica/Sativa
  • Height 50-80 cm
  • Flowering time 7-8 weeks
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 500 g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Easy
  • THC level 15%

For Similar Strains check out:

Bonus #2 – CBD Crew – Critical Mass –Feminized Seeds

Best For: Medical Marijuana with Big Yields, 500 g/m2

CBD Crew Critical Mass Seeds

If you are looking for a high CBD strain that gives killer yields, this is your plant. She is of medium size, and responds wonderfully to super cropping, topping and pretty much any training techniques. If left to her own devices she likes to get leggy. SOG or SCRoG techniques can help keep her under control and producing uniform buds. She may need support at the end of her flowering cycle as her buds are not only huge but heavy.

The smoke of CBD Critical Mass has a pleasant honey taste. In fact, everything about her is pleasant. The high is mellow, relaxed and subtle, with very low psychoactive effects. This is a strain designed to please the medical community, and can be used to manage pain effectively during daytime activities. For a high CBD strain, you can’t ask for bigger buds or a better smoke.

  • Type Indica 80%/Sativa 20%
  • Height Medium
  • Flowering time 8 weeks
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 500 g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Medium
  • THC level 5%
  • CBD level up to 8%

For Similar Strains check out:

Bonus #3 – Green House Seeds – Trainwreck Feminized Seeds

Best For: Balanced High, Towering Buds, 700 g/m2

Green House Train Wreck Feminized Seeds

Trainwreck from Green House Seeds is a viney grower, performing very well in SCRoG set-ups. The buds get are tall and massive, so make sure you have some support available. The feminized seeds of Trainwreck are very reliable as long as you follow the lighting recommendations, making sexing an unnecessary task in your grow room.

The high is beautifully balanced. It starts out uplifting and creative before sinking into a heavy body stone. The taste is fruity and pleasant.

Use care with your lights when growing Trainwreck. She likes no more than 18 hours of light during her vegetative cycle. If you give her more she may get stressed and become hermaphrodite. If you don’t overdo the lights, this is a very reliable feminized strain with impressive yields.

  • Type Sativa dominant
  • Height Small/Medium
  • Flowering time 8 weeks
  • Awards won None
  • Yield 500-700 g/m2
  • Feminized Yes
  • Autoflowering No
  • Growth difficulty Moderate
  • THC level 7%
  • CBD level .77%

For Similar Strains check out:

Why we love High Yield Cannabis Seeds…

You invest a lot of time, energy, money and loving care into raising your plants. A few simple considerations during growing can help all that effort pay off, in the form of as many fat glistening buds as possible. Give your plants lots of light. This means both sufficient hours of light and the highest intensity light you can afford. Be smart about water and fertilizer- not too much, and not too little. Check your plants carefully every day. Their leaves and growth will tell you what they need. Prune and train to produce multiple heads. Keep grow room conditions consistent and appropriate for cannabis. And most importantly, choose the right strain. Remember, genetics count. Pick the highest yielding strain that fits your growing conditions and schedule, and most importantly make sure it is a type you will love to smoke. There are many quality high yielding strains out there. Do not settle for one that is anything less than perfect for you.

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